Meet Ty,
Blaque N' Kulture
Your Nerd & Otaku Culture Expert
Ty is a multifaceted talent. She is the creative director behind her press brand BN'K on Tour, a video creator, a comic book professional and enthusiast, a creative director, and a writer who creates her own stories and writes for publications such as OFF BLXXK Magazine and Indie Comix Dispatch.
Ty's work isn't exclusive to social media as she's an active participant in the nerd community, fostering meaningful connections with industry professionals, fellow content creators, and community leaders. She actively engages in collaborative efforts, contributing to community events and initiatives.

What is Nerd & Otaku Culture?

For the uninitiated, Nerd and otaku culture is the community, interest, and deep passion for comics, video games, animation, and other niche pop culture interests from intellectual properties in the west and east Asia. Nerd and otaku culture encompasses an array of enthusiasts, from avid gamers and comic book aficionados to anime devotees and figure collectors, all united by a shared love for the fantastical and the imaginative.
Blaque N' Kulture's Mission
Blaque N' Kulture's focus has always been on highlighting and exploring the works and voices of black people and other marginalized groups within the subculture. Diversity in pop culture not only reflects the reality of our society but also broadens the scope of creativity and innovation in entertainment, which has been the active goal of Blaque N' Kulture since its inception.

Embracing different perspectives not only allows the nerd and otaku community to be a safe space for all, but also can help the media the community loves to be more representative of those in it, exploring themes, genres, and styles that might otherwise go overlooked.Celebrating and showcasing black and marginalized voices, creativity, and contributions in pop culture is powerful and important work -- it's the driving force of Ty and her brand Blaque N' Kulture.
Blaque N' Kulture Highlights
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Want to work with Blaque N' Kulture?
Blaque N' Kulture wants to work with you! Want to collaborate on a creative project or recruit me for your next nerd-related event? Use the contact sheet to the right and let's get in touch!